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Events & Links

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Jazzatelier Ulrichsberg, Austria — Live concerts of improvised music and contemporary music.

Friday, April 26 to Sunday, April 28, 2024:

    Edition #38 of the Festival for Jazz and improvised music presents the following program:

    Mia Dyberg, altosax | Edith Steyer, clarinet/sax | Rieko Okuda, piano | Isabel Rößler, b | Sofia Borges, percussion
    Duo Loriot - Wolfarth

    Frantz Loriot, viola | Christian Wolfarth, percussion

    Mark Holub, drums | Clemens Sainitzer, cello | Irene Kepl, violin | Susanna Gartmayer, bassclarinet | Jakob Gnigler, tenorsax

    Rudi Mahall, bassclarinet | Olaf Rupp, e-guitar | Jan Roder, bass
    Trio Millà · Cajado · Takara

    Jordina Millà, piano | Vinicius Cajado, bass | Mauricio Takara, percussion
    Michael Moore Trio

    Michael Moore, alto-sax/clarinet | Nico Chientaroli, piano | Gerry Hemingway, drums
    Thomas Berghammer Solo

    Thomas Berghammer, trumpet
    Trio LDL: Leimgruber_Demierre_Lehn

    Urs Leimgruber, saxophone | Jacques Demierre, amplified spinet | Thomas Lehn, analogue Synthesizer
    Willi Kellers & Julie Sassoon

    Julie Sassoon, piano | Willi Kellers, drums
    „TRAUDI - superkalisolmisilbilarium.rhythm“

    Childrens project directed by Sandra Trautner.

    Exhibition by Gerhard Wöß at Jazzatelier-Gallery.

Saturday, June 15, 2024, 20.00:
Hub 5
Concert with Stepan Flagar, Robert Schröck, Hubert Gredler, Simon Schmollgruber and Walter Sitz.

Details: https://www.jazzatelier.at/index_e.htm

Jazz and Contemporary Classical Radio


Audiophiles' Corner

Just a few suggestions — something for everybodies' ears collected by our webmaster who doesn't pretend having any special qualification — listed in no particular order:

Fast/Non-Tracking Web-Search

Our webmaster recommends to add StartPage.com as default search engine to your browser.

Safer Emailing and Websurfing

Our webmaster recommends the following free and open-source browsers and email clients together with settings for improved privacy and security. We can't keep everything up-to-date, nor provide more details; use at your own risk.

Operating Systems

You might want to try Ubuntu (U) or another Linux distribution as an alternative to Windows.
U offers so-called dual-boot installation where you can keep your current Windows installation - in case you still need the latter; the boot-manager lets you choose which operating system to run. But this is not recommended. Alternatively, most Win stuff could also be done in a VirtualBox under Linux.

You might want to install U 18.04 LTS desktop version and then add the traditional Gnome Shell, i.e. install 'GNOME Flashback' or Mate as alternative to U's default Unity desktop.

OGG sound samples

The audio sound samples for our older releases are encoded with the free, open source, high quality Ogg Vorbis codec with at least 64 kbps offering good pre-listening quality. Many popular media players (VLC, foobar, audacious) directly support Ogg format. If your player does not, try the free Zinf Ogg- and MP3-player at Zinf.org or the OGG plugin for your media player. If you got problems downloading the Ogg sound samples (i.e. when instead of the download menu, the sound files are displayed as [weird] text in the browser), hit shift when you click on the download link or right-click and do "save link as".

Interesting Internet Services and Websites

(Most languages) You can surf this [and many other] website[s, which do not require JavaScript] in full privacy via search engine startpage.com; search for "leorecords.com" and then click "Proxy" in the respective search results. Upset of getting tracked? — make startpage.com your default search engine!


(English, German, French) Interesting Books www.interesting-books-selector.com (mainly philosophy, economic policy, science, and fiction)


(Multilingual) Meet locals worldwide via BeWelcome.org - non-profit, culture crossing network; hospitality exchange - share a place to sleep or meet up for local activites.

(German) Finden Sie einen Reisepartner - einfach, gratis und ohne Registrierung: www.reisepartner-gesucht.de

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Play — while you listen.
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All trademarks are property of their respective owners.

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